Amateur Radio Resources


ARRL - American Radio Relay League General information about amater radio

On The Air Programs

POTA - Parks On The Air General information about "Parks On The Air" - Parks On The Air Support site for "Parks On The Air"
WWFF - World Wide Flora and Fauna in Amateur Radio A program similar to POTA
SOTA - Summits On The Air Another "On The Air" program, this time for summits

Logging, QSLs and Awards

LoTW - Logbook of The World ARRL logging and awards Logbook and awards by
ClubLog ClubLog
DXLab Suite DXLab Suite
DXKeeper DXLab Suite's logging program
N1MM Logger+ A popular contest logging program

Digital Communications Software

WSJT-X FT8 software (also FT4, JT65, MSK144, WSPR, etc.)
DigiPan Software for PSK31 and PSK63
MMTTY Software for RTTY
fldigi Software for CW, PSK, MFSK, RTTY, Hell, DominoEX, Olivia, and Throb


DX Engineering
R & L Electronics
Ham Radio Outlet

DXZone site has a multitude of links to all things amatuer radio. Rather than duplicate many of those links on this page, we'll just link to those pages.
DXZone The DXZone home page
Software DXZone page of Software categories
Logging DXZone Software for logging
RTTY DXZone Software for RTTY
PSK31 DXZone Software for PSK31
Ham Exam DXZone Software for Ham Exams


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