of the Tippecanoe Amateur Radio Association (Part One)
** Special Thanks to J.B. Van Sickle for compiling these
highlights **
5 FEB 51 Special Meeting called for purposes of organizing a club.
19 FEB 51 Special Meeting called for purposes of organizing a club.
26 FEB 51 Officers Elected
12 FEB 52 (approximately) W9REG received
11 JUN 52 Mr. Baldwin from ARRL was guest speaker at the meeting
1 JAN 54 Indiana 19th state to be issued Ham Plates
26 APR 54 TARA joined IRCC
8 MAR 55 (Approx) Club acquired CAA for club station site
27 DEC 55 Voted to incorporate
13 MAR 56 Corporation papers approved by Secretary of State
1 OCT 56 Dues Raised from 25 to 50 cents per month
20 JUL 58 Hosted IRCC Picnic
8 MAR 60 TARA Tattler chosen as name for the newsletter
12 DEC 67 Club site no longer available
9 JAN 68 Tuesday meeting to be business meeting, Wednesday meeting to be program meeting
NOV 68 Club trailer acquired
JAN 69 W9REG moved to Red Cross, NW corner of the building
11 MAR 69 New checking account, no charges
OCT 69 Discussed possibility of Club Station in new Red Cross building
1 FEB 71 Motion Made and passed: That the secretary minutes be kept in a bound volume. The Board of director minutes will be kept in the volume but a reading of Board Minutes would not be required.
11 JAN 72 K9AHX accepted Chairmanship of IRCC Picnic (First Lafayette Hamfest)
12 SEP 72 Motion Made and passed: Until such time as Keith Hunsaker returns to the Lafayette area to make his home, he be granted an Honorary Club Membership without voting privileges.
10 OCT 72 Letter from IRCC indicating TARA had just hosted the most financially successful "IRCC Picnic". (Moved to Aug from July)
14 AUG 73 Walker announced that he had obtained a variance from the West Lafayette Board of Zoning Appeals to erect a 65' tower.
28 AUG 73 Start of Lafayette Amateur Repeater Corporation.
11 FEB 75 Motion Made and passed reference Flower Policy: That the amount be increased to one not exceeding $17.50 including delivery cost.
8 APR 75 Motion Made, amended and both passed: Loan of equipment and bailment.